North Shore Women’s Club
Constitution and By-Laws
The name of the organization shall be the North Shore Women’s Club. Meetings will be held once a month from September through May.
The elected officers of the organization shall be President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and 2 members in good standing to assist in making overall decisions.
The object and purpose of this club shall be to further the social, artistic and intellectual members; to promote the highest ideals of citizenship and to raise money for charitable purposes within the North Shore Community.
This organization shall be non-sectarian.
Anyone desiring to become a new member shall be nominated by a current member, second by a current member and voted in by all members.
Each member is responsible for the cost of 2 tickets to the scheduled fund raiser and member ship dues.If the member does not pay dues they will automatically be removed from membership and will have to be voted back in.
6. All monies shall be deposited in the General Operating Account. An annual audit shall be made of the books. Any withdrawal above $500 shall be with the approval of the board.
7. Nominations can be made from the floor of any officer position during the month of March. Vote to follow by a majority of members attending and in good standing.
8. Good standing members are considered members who attend ¾ of meetings/dinners throughout the year.
9. Membership shall consist of 40 seats only and a maximum of 5 new members each year may be voted in. Discussions shall be done and nominees are confidential to club members only. Any members violating this may be asked to resign.
10. The committees will consist of: Auction Committee, Planning Committee, Little Ladies Committee.
11. The constitution may be amended at any regular club meeting by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of paid members.
Constitution and By-Laws
Revised, December 2017